Clare Wakefield Ceramics

CATEGORY: Porcelain
METHOD: Throwing, Sculpturing, Coil Built
TEXTURE: Very Smooth
FIRING RANGE: 1220°c – 1280°c

My aim is to evoke movement and fluidity in all my work. I particularly enjoy working in porcelain, the challenge it provides also creates a never ending source of inspiration. Much of my work is thrown, sculpted or coiled with sections engineered to slide in place and fit as if they have grown together. Each sculptural vessel allows the flowing designs to unfold and display a different view from every angle. I also like my work to mirror or resemble nature.

I studied ceramics at Kent Institute of Art and Design before graduating with my degree at Cardiff in 1991 and was fortunate to have very inspiring tutors throughout.
The ceramic forms I create now are an eclectic mix of techniques and designs discovered whilst making pots over the last thirty years combined with new ideas largely inspired with my fascination for waves and how they react with the environment. I am constantly trying new techniques and evolving ideas.

Clare uses Audrey Blackman Porcelain when creating her work.

To watch Clare’s demonstration video filmed at Art in Clay 2015 click on the below.

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