Nora Nuyts

CATEGORY: Earthstone
METHOD: Throwing, Modelling
TEXTURE: Very Smooth
FIRING RANGE: 1120°c – 1280°c

I live in Belgium where I have been throwing for about 15 years now. At first it was a hobby but I soon got completely captivated by ceramics and went for a professional education at The Institute for Arts and Crafts (IKA). In 2014 I took the leap and became a self-supporting Studio Potter.

I tested several porcelain clays for throwing and fell in love with the Earthstone (ES 120) Ming Porcelain. I use it in combination with a runny glaze which gives me a playful finish on the straight edges. I tested all sorts of combinations of oxides in search for a colour palette that gives me that perfect spring feel. Ceramics for me is all about perfect lines and intriguing glazes. I love experimenting and challenging boundaries.